Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Must Have #1! Fuzzy Warm Boots


Hey! Here is one thing every girl needs in the winter! A reasonable pair of warm fuzzy boots! Uggs are nice but if that is not in your budget try these boots! Uggs are a good investment according to my roommate. She has had her current pair for three years and they look almost brand new. A good thing about Uggs is that water dries very quickly and leaves no stains. However, here are some other similar boots from highest to lowest prices. My personal favorite is BearPaw! I found a pair last year for $25 at TJ Max! I suggest looking there or a similar store first. <3> Sunshine.

1. Bakers Shoes: BearPaw $80

2.Macy*s: EMU Boots $70

3.American Eagle: $65

4.Skechers: $45

5.Alloy: $45 Many Colors like purple and Pink!

6.Payless Shoes: $40

7.Aeropostale: $40

8.JC Penny’s: $40

9.Mandee’s: $30

10.Wet Seal: $20

11.Cutesygirl .com: $15 Quilted and Cute! Nice Bright Colors!

If you want the links, I have them.. they can be emailed. =)

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